We are now offering automatic delivery. Contact us today to find out how you can rest easy this winter knowing we are monitoring your tank for you!
Cellular tank monitors take the guesswork out of deliveries. It takes readings of the fuel level in your tank and sends those readings to our office. With this precision, we can ensure that you get exactly the fuel you need, when you need it. We want you to be 100% CONFIDENT you will not run out of fuel and give you a greater connection to your comfort.
The easy to install app, available for both IOS & Android, gives you instant access to information you never had before. You’ll be able to see how much fuel you have in your tank, any time, from anywhere. You’ll see how much fuel you’ve been burning over the last 30 days. You’ll be able to call or email us, or go to our website, just by tapping an icon on your smartphone or tablet.
The installation is done by our technicians in just a few minutes. Our technician attaches the tank monitor to your tank and connects it to your PurpleFuels account. Never worry about running out of fuel again!