In these tough economic times, every little bit helps. Some us are struggling to keep up, and may be unaware there are programs that can help. The Connecticut Department of Social Services offers an energy assistance program designed to help offset the costs of heating your house.
General information:
On behalf of eligible households, the winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood and wood pellets. Homeowners and renters may apply. Households eligible for the winter heating program may also be eligible to receive weatherization assistance. This can help conserve energy and lower heating bills.
The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program is administered by the Department of Social Services, and coordinated by regional Community Action Agencies, in cooperation with municipal and other non-profit human service agencies.
Community Action Agencies:
The Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut, Inc. (203) 748-5422
New Opportunities, Inc. (Waterbury area) (203) 756-8151; (Meriden area) (203) 235-0278
Bristol Community Organization, Inc. (860) 582-7490
Human Resources Agency of New Britain, Inc. (860) 223-2288 Community Renewal Team, Inc. (Hartford area) (860) 560-5800 or 1-800-798-3805; (Middletown area) (860) 347-4465
ACCESS, Inc. (Willimantic area) (860) 450-7423); (Danielson area) (860) 774-0418
Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. (Norwich-New London area) (860) 425-6681
Community Action Agency of New Haven, Inc. (203) 387-7700
TEAM, Inc. (Derby-Ansonia-Shelton area) (203) 736-5420
Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc. (Bridgeport area) (203) 384-6904; (Norwalk area) (203)838-8110; (Stamford area) (203)357-0720.