Home Heating Oil
Live in Guilford or Madison and want to save more money?
We now offer automatic delivery for our customers, utilizing the latest technology. A one-time installation fee of $99 is all it takes to receive the best service at the best price!
Cellular tank monitors take the guesswork out of deliveries. It takes ultrasonic readings of the fuel level in your tank and sends those readings to our office over the internet. With this precision, we can ensure that you get exactly the fuel you need, when you need it. The easy to install app, IOS & Android available, gives you instant access to information you never had before. You’ll be able to see how much fuel you have in your tank, any time, from anywhere. You’ll see how much fuel you’ve been burning over the last 30 days. You’ll be able to call or email us, or go to our website, just by tapping an icon on your smartphone or tablet.